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I was raised in Cork and it is the place that I have always called home. I studied Literature (French&English) in U.C.C. and graduated with a B.A. in 1993. That same year I went to live in France and thereafter Holland and Spain, and was fortunate to have a successful and interesting professional life. At 30 I needed to solidify my experience to date and also wished to work in a profession that had more direct impact in people's lives and so I did a Master's in Physical Education in Barcelona (Universitat Ramon Lull) and began a rewarding career in health, which ultimately brought me to Los Angeles where lived for ten years. Family changes and the call of my home land brought be back to Ireland in 2018. After my return I found again the desire to work more closely with people, to be of service (something that had been lost to me by virtue of the nature of my work in the U.S. Becoming a Lay Funeral Celebrant really spoke to that need and further It gives me a real sense of giving back to this country and of being part of a positive cultural change. 



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